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COS Teen Program 2021-22
Our new Sunday morning teen program for students in 8th-10th grades starts at 11:00am -- no early wake-ups for COS Teens!
The morning starts with bagels and discussion with Rabbi Richard Mayer (a/k/a - Rabbi Rich). He will be talking about current events and also teaching some Torah.
Then at 11:30am, each week, we will hear from different members of our community with interesting experiences -- people in sports television, the news media and the entertainment industry. People who have served in the armed forces, in elected office and in law enforcement. People who escaped Nazi Germany and people who grew up in Muslim countries. These are just a few examples of the interesting people who are part of our community. They have amazing stories to tell us.
Then, there will be the opportunity for Q&A with these amazing members of our community.
At the end of 10th grade, we celebrate with our students as they become confirmed. All confirmands are then invited to join the staff of the JLC as classroom and office aides (these are PAID positions only open to those who have completed the Confirmation!).
We look forward to resuming our teen trips to Israel as soon as travel conditions allow.

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